
Nine37 is a loose collective of artists, culture warriors and community members who aim to enrich their life by creating and exhibiting artwork as well as supporting the development of youth artists. We have published books, zines and music compilations, as well as put on art and music shows across the country, with a major focus on the community transforming Five Town Massive in Bristol, VT

Monday, February 27, 2006

[BE HONEST] Hyphyist

Pacific Standard and
Get Stoopid both have mad downloads from Bay area artists. Definitly check this out - this is the future of hip hop, as far as I can tell. The Get Stoopid downloads go through rapidshare, which takes a while because they only let you do one at a time if you are getting them for free, but be patient and then output them to a cassette. Yes thats right, cassette. You know, like a mixTAPE? While you're at it, go to hieroglyphics.com and cop the Z-Man record "Dope or Dogfood". That is my favorite record this year, second only to the latest Shermstixx mix, "Space Age Driveby Music V2." Limited edition hand packaged copies of this cd were avaiable in Vermont over new years, and a new version is soon to be available online. Check his tracks out on myspace for a taste.

Posted by DMLH to BE HONEST at 2/27/2006 12:18:00 AM

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