
Nine37 is a loose collective of artists, culture warriors and community members who aim to enrich their life by creating and exhibiting artwork as well as supporting the development of youth artists. We have published books, zines and music compilations, as well as put on art and music shows across the country, with a major focus on the community transforming Five Town Massive in Bristol, VT

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

New Songs from Saudade

Saudade is the musical collision of Weather Exposed Skeleton Music and Cantino. They take the listener on guided journey through their emotional and mental response to the world with songs that range between lush ambiance and ecstatic noise. Their live show is like watching a hurricane, from the calm water pulling away from shore to the trees hurtling through subdivisions. They have some new songs up on their blog, Shermstixx recommends "Early October". I am feeling the "Interstate Bridge Song", possibly because it uses elements i have heard glimpses of during their live sets mixed with field recordings taken around the bridge here in Portland, or because Cantino lets us enjoy his voice. While you are there you can download a copy of their full length release, "The Hooded Ones", fo free, and space out in their world for a while.

all the links above go direct to specific parts of their blog, or you can just go check it all out for yourself: www.saudadepdx.com

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