
Nine37 is a loose collective of artists, culture warriors and community members who aim to enrich their life by creating and exhibiting artwork as well as supporting the development of youth artists. We have published books, zines and music compilations, as well as put on art and music shows across the country, with a major focus on the community transforming Five Town Massive in Bristol, VT

Monday, March 20, 2006

[clydetron5000] On making mini-stickers and revenge...

First: Take a slide of whatever you want. Then: Rip it out of the
mount and back it with white paper or wax paper and Then: Use some
packing tape to put it somewhere public. Lights and windows work well
b/c they are backlit.

If revenge is desired, simply place one with some words on a sharp
corner as pictured. Invite the unsuspecting person to investigate your
sticker and, when they bend in for a look, push their head from behind
into the sharp corner. Run.

Posted by 5000DX to clydetron5000 at 3/19/2006 11:03:00 PM

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