
Nine37 is a loose collective of artists, culture warriors and community members who aim to enrich their life by creating and exhibiting artwork as well as supporting the development of youth artists. We have published books, zines and music compilations, as well as put on art and music shows across the country, with a major focus on the community transforming Five Town Massive in Bristol, VT

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Spell with Flickr

NiNe underwater
3One Digit / 7

As we say in Bristol, VT : Be Neat.

1 comment:

Josef Shafer said...

Who made this illness? Random web pics or your own??
Powsner, miss you buddy, Dan, I'll call you back soon. Rodd, most excellent to share ideas. Eth, I am coming to San Fran. Kingdom and Des Bros, let's shred. Word.